Sakurai 2102EPII 2-Color 28" x 40" Automated Perfector

Key Features

  • Automated Plate Changers
  • Automatic Perfector Changeover
  • Automatic Ink Roller Washup
  • Automatic Blanket Washers
  • Impression Cylinder Washup

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Oliver-2102EPII is a 40” two color convertible perfector model with Sakurai’s unique automation that provides higher productivity, drastic reduction of make-ready time, and easy operation. This model is a heavy duty machine compared with other machines in the market. Both high-pile and low-pile models are available. This machine is designed for high quality short runs as well as long run 16 page signatures. With fast make readies and running speeds the Sakurai 2102EPII is easy to operate and extremely profitable.

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