Graphic Whizard Creasemaster Plus+
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Digital Creaser
Availability: 1 in stock
Category: Paper Creasers
- Description
- Brand
Key Features
- Inverted and regular impact creasing in the same pass!
- Up to 10 impact creases per sheet
- Up to 20 jobs can be stored into memory
- Rotary perforations (at the entrance of the machine for accuracy; no tail whip) are anvil style and produce a “burr-free” finish. Microperfs are also available
- Optional strike perf attachment and Impact Perf available for “box” or “T” perfs
The CreaseMaster Plus+ is ideal for the mid to high volume users ensuring a professional finish for every job. This pneumatic model is available in two production speeds; 3600 sph or 4600 sph and both offer multiple creases per sheet, job memory as well as options such as Strike perf and Impact perf. The system incorporates a user-friendly touch screen allowing for easy set up and programming, as well jobs can be stored and quickly retrieved for future use.
Graphic Whizard CreaseMaster Plus Demonstration Video
Demonstrates design and operation of the Graphic Whizard CreaseMaster Plus digital creaser.